Members of Sienna Network

The members of this network, mainly connected to Greece, but not only, are the following:

The International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT)

INSEIT is an international non-profit unincorporated association, created in 2000, with the goal of promoting and facilitating scholarship, education, discussion, and debate, and other activities, on the ethical issues in and surrounded by information technology. The Society is distinctly devoted to normative issues and will address ethical issues in and surrounding: The design and development of IT; the use and deployment of IT; distribution of IT; impact and implications of IT; and the social and political institutions arising around IT. Cooperation with INSEIT led to the dissemination of the SIENNA reports in the INSEIT site and general communication. The links are:

International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE)

The International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) was founded in Germany by Uruguayan Philosopher Rafael Capurro in 1999. In partnership with the then newly formed African Network for Information Ethics, ICIE quickly established its place as the center for community in the global-wide practice of Information Ethics, offering a platform for an intercultural exchange of ideas and information regarding worldwide teaching and research. The ICIE community has supported and encouraged collaboration between colleagues teaching in the field for nearly two decades. It has organized and co-organized symposia since 2001 and publishes a book series in cooperation with W. Fink Verlag, Munich-Paderborn (Germany). In 2004, ICIE published its first edition of the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) and has continued to publish bi-annual editions since. In 2018, ICIE established a new website complete with community forum, where a community-led philosophy will redefine the goals and mission of ICIE for a new generation, re-establishing the definitions and parameters of the field of Information Ethics. The ICIE site also contains detailed information on the SIENNA project’s three classes of technologies researcher. It also contains a special page for SIENNA,,, where there are links to the main SIENNA website and to the SIENNA Reports.

The Optus Macquarie Cyber Security Hub, Macquarie University, Australia

The Optus Macquarie University Cyber Security Hub is a $10 million joint investment, which promotes a unique interdisciplinary approach in cyber security. The Cyber Security Hub provides expertise and leadership in cyber security regarding technology, governance, policies and human factors, offers a platform for exchange between academics and practitioners from business and government, conducts cross-cutting research across several disciplines: computing, engineering, business, criminology, law and psychology, trains the next generation of cybersecurity specialists as well as raising awareness among our leaders, develops the skills of the existing workforce and works to develop commercial technology solutions for cybersecurity challenges. The Hub’s site is

Cyber and Data Security Lab-Vrije University of Brussels, Belgium

The Cyber and Data Security Lab (CDSL) aims to explore the legal aspects of cybersecurity and information security. The Cyber and Data Security Lab is part of the internationally renowned Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. The Lab’s link to the SIENNA project is here:

Laboratory of Applied Philosophy of the National Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory was established in 1999 as an autonomous unit attached to the Department of Philosophy of the University of Athens. The initial purpose of the Lab's establishment was to facilitate research in the area of applied philosophy and provide teaching support to students and faculty members in both graduate and post-graduate level of studies. The Lab is also committed to conduct empirical and/or theoretical research in all areas of philosophy, with particular focus on Ethics, Metaethics and Applied Ethics. To this purpose the Lab seeks to foster collaborations with other Laboratories, Research Centers or Units, as well as with international organizations and societies. The Lab seeks to further and convey knowledge on areas of philosophical research by means of hosting post-graduate programs of study, publishing works of original philosophical research as well as journals, and organizing conferences. The Laboratory has created a webpage in Greek and a webpage in English on its collaboration with the SIENNA project: and Ιn both these sites, SIENNA open access reports have been uploaded.

Laboratory of Legal Informatics of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grecee
National and Kapodistrian UofA

The Laboratory of Law and Informatics of the University of Athens supports the educational needs of the Law School in the fields of i) IT law and ii) the application of computer applications in law (Legal Informatics) both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Members of academic staff and students are able to use the technical infrastructure of the Laboratory. The Laboratory organizes seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, summer courses and other academic events offering the participants the opportunity of gaining a deeper understanding of the pivotal interactive relationship between law and new technologies. The Laboratory of Law and Informatics is actively involved with the conduction of a wide range of research programs (private, public, national, European, and international). The research activities are characterized by their innovative nature, which suggests new methods of dealing with crucial matters when law meets new technologies and vice versa. Research results are disseminated by the publication of papers, the publication of books and periodicals, as well as through the lab’s website. The Laboratory of Law and Informatics cooperates both with other Greek as well as foreign academic institutions, labs or research centres, provided that their goals coincide or are similar or complementary with those of the laboratory in terms of the spirit of reciprocity. The Lab seeks cooperation with international organisations, public authorities, regional administration, and various other scientific and social bodies, both national and foreign. Through this cooperation, the lab will be able to contribute in the study and submission of suggestions and alternative methods obtaining a wide range of views, especially in the field of sociopolitical matters. The Laboratory of Legal Informatics of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens has entered into collaboration with the SIENNA project, linking to its site and promoting its objectives:

The Networks, Multimedia, Security and Privacy Systems Laboratory of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University

Τhe Networks, Multimedia, Security and Privacy Systems Laboratory of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University has entered into a collaboration with the SIENNA project. The details are here: The educational role of NMSLab is to support courses in computer networks, multimedia systems with respect to cultural applications, computer security, cryptography, information systems security, distributed systems, information theory in the undergraduate level. At the postgraduate level, similar courses are given with a research flavor focusing on new issues and challenges in the area. Undergraduate and postgraduate theses are also supported as well as preparing any relevant educational material required (e.g., notes, presentations).

The Laboratory for Information Technologies of the Department of Archives, Library and Museum Sciences of the School of Information Science and Informatics of the Ionian University

The LIT was founded on April 10th of 2003 (P.D. 89, FEK Α’, 82, 10-4-2003). The target of the creation and operation of LIT, under the Faculty of Information Science and Informatics of the Ionian University, is to support the educational and research needs and projects of the Department, in all subjects related to the development, evolution and management of technologies which support and are relevant to the broader work of production, dissemination, management and effective exploitation of information. According to the general LITs target, its domain of interest includes all kinds and forms of technology that are involved and support the task of information management. In this broader sense, both soft (such as software, standards and hard (e.g. electronic devices and systems for processing and accessing information) may be included. The Laboratory for Information Technologies of the Department of Archives, Library and Museum Sciences of the School of Information Science and Informatics of the Ionian University has entered into a collaboration with the SIENNA project. The details are here:

The Centre for Bioethics of the University of Crete

The Centre for Bioethics of the University of Crete is of the research laboratories of the University and a major centre for research on bioethics in Greece. The mission of the Centre for Bioethics is to promote research in Bioethics, encompassing both environmental ethics, health and biomedical research ethics. Though collaborative work on scholarship and teaching, it aims to identify and address key ethical issues in science and technology, bio-medical research, clinical care and public health, locally and globally. It supports the research activities of the Joint Postgraduate Programme in “Bioethics”, conducted by faculty members, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, and promotes educational activities related to the MA Programme in “Bioethics”, through conferences, workshops, postgraduate courses, specialized lectures and seminars. Since its official launch in 2008, the Centre has established an extensive network of international collaborations with Universities, Research Institutions and world-renowned academics in Greece and abroad. Among its objectives is to foster a sustained collaboration with the local community, by organizing public events which purport to enhance the public understanding of the sciences, for, and with society. The Centre supports bioethics-related publications, and offers courses which address the role of Bioethics in education. The collaboration towards with the Centre of Bioethics of the University of Crete can be seen here: and here: Collaborations/ Affiliations, It has also been uploaded at the home page of the Centre for Research and Study of the University of Crete, and in English, here: Scientific News,

The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology of the European Public Law Organization

The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL) has been established by the European Public Law Organization with the aim to advance and promote knowledge and policy in the field of privacy and data protection law, technology, society and fundamental rights. The Institute’s vision is to cover a wide range of topics related to privacy and data protection law and technology and their normative and technical implications within a multidisciplinary research institute, combining law, philosophy, social sciences, public administration and management sciences sharing the expertise and experiences of legal scholars and privacy law lawyers, electronics engineers, information technology scientists and sociologists. The Institute will use its knowledge and expertise to contribute to the improvement of legal policies and practices with regard to fundamental rights & Information and Communication Technologies by providing advisory, consultancy and educational/training services to legislators, organizations, public bodies and private enterprises. The IPL constitutes an academically independent unit of the European Public Law Organization with operational autonomy and is under the responsibility of its President and its Executive Director with the assistance of its Scientific Council. The Institute’s site is The Institute has entered into a collaboration with the SIENNA project and the details are here:,-data-protection-and-technology-liaises-with-the-sienna-eu-program.

E-Themis-Association for Greek Lawyers, Greece

The Association of Greek Lawyers-e-Themis is a non-profit association, comprised by attorneys-at-law and by trainee attorneys, members of the Bar of Athens, as well as members of the other Bars of Greece, and also by Law School graduates. The purpose of the association under its Charter is to offer services to its members in terms of information and scientific aid with emphasis on the law of personal data, internet law and law and information technologies in general. The genesis and enhancement of a scientific dialogue on these matters is a priority for the association, and also the culture of the spirit of solidarity and collaboration amongst its members. To achieve its ends, the association organizes, among others, national conferences on information technology law, the association follows closely the development of the law of information technologies, collaborates with lawyers and experts on this law, organizes lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences on the law of information technologies, institutes branches in Greece or abroad, creates teams working on information technology law The website of the association is, where the collaboration has also been announced.

Hellenic Association of Data Protection & Privacy, Greece
logo hadpp

The Hellenic Association of Data Protection & Privacy (HADPP) is a non-profit group of professionals with a passion to exchange, analyze, communicate and educate on the ongoing issues of data protection, privacy and security. HADPP is also a forum that encourages any stakeholder that seeks an opportunity to be part in one of the most vivid on-going dialogue on the total change of what we knew so far about privacy and data security. Effective responses will continue to depend on clear-eyed assessments of risks and broad engagement across the markets, electronic or not. HADPP is also a venue to exchange invaluable cross-sector networking opportunities. HADPP has formed a liaison with the SIENNA EU project,

DNAlogy, the European Center for Genetics and DNA identification

The European Center for Genetics and DNA identification (DNAlogy) has entered into a collaboration with the SIENNA project. The details are here: The Center is a model laboratory based on international standards in the fields of medicine and science which offers in Greece all state-of-the-art scientific methods of DNA analysis. It constitutes the Greek part of the world-known French laboratory IGNA and consists of a scientific team of physicians, geneticists and molecular biologists who are innovative and internationally recognized in genetic diagnosis and DNA analysis. It is ISO certified and was founded in 2009.

IP rights forum, Greece

The IP rights forum is high-visibility a Greek legal forum devoted to intellectual property and in general, information law issues, containing abundant information on laws, statutes, caselaw, commentaries related to these fields. IP rights has entered into a collaboration with the SIENNA project, and the details are here: and

Corfu Robotiki, Greece

Corfu Robotiki is an entity devoted to teaching robotics to students in Corfu, Greece, of all levels (primary school/high school/university level). The entity is devoted to educational robotics, where students construct their own robots and combine robotics with the knowledge of Physics, Mathematics, computer science and engineering. It’s site is

Laboratory for Robotics of the 5th High School of Corfu

The Laboratory for Robotics of the 5th Public High School of Corfu has entered into a collaboration with the SIENNA project. The details are here:


The Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab (BiHELab) focus on recent advances in geriatrics and neurodegeneration, ranging from basic science to clinical and pharmaceutical developments. BiHELab’s goal is to help bridge the translational gap from data to models and from models to drug discovery and personalized therapy by fostering collaborations and developing original quantitative approaches to biological and clinical problems. The details are here:

Members of Sienna Network